The Web site trustee of the II1TPG portal is Mr. Angelo Brunero IK1QLD, , who registrated the domain name under the Country Code Top Level Domain "It" at the Informatic and Telematic Institute of the National Research Council (IIT-CNR), the Italian Official Registration Authority; the site is maintained by Aruba.it-Technorail s.r.l. under the contract #1505678 of September 30, 2004. Responsible for the II1TPG callsign is Mr. Carlo Sobrito IZ1CCE, , who made the proceedings at the Communications Ministry; the callsign will be usable until 2006. The special callsign, as ruled in the permit, is usable also by other HAMs: their callsigns are included in the special callsign request. The E-mail address of II1TPG is . The E-mail address of TPRST (Torino Paralympic Radio Sport Team) is . |
Since 2008, all of the material, text and images, which made up the portal www.ii1tpg.it, is collected under the domain www.brunero.it. Since 2008, all of the material, text and images, which made up the portal www.ii1tpg.it, is collected under the domain www.brunero.it. Domain ownership www.ii1tpg.it was not claimed, and is therefore free. The e-mail addresses listed above are no longer active. |
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Web trustee IK1QLD Angelo Brunero - V4.5 © 2004-2006 |